Discover how to cooperate with public research institutes.
This sections provides practical information for cooperation between company and research organisations.

Background on joint research opportunities
For those who are not used to company-research cooperation, please find more introductory information.
Discover possible funding opportunities.
The four use cases below outline what companies could expect from a research organisation.
Case 1
A company has heard about the competences of a research institute and would like to know what opportunities are available, without having a defined objective at this stage.
Case 2
A company is losing market share to a competitor who has introduced a more performant solution. A quick upgrade of their current solution is needed.
Case 3
A company is interested in new trends and is aware that the research institute has knowledge in these fields. It would like to anticipate the market evolution and envisage a next generation product or solution.
Case 4
A company is facing some product quality issues and is looking for expert advice to better understand the origin of these problems.
3 tools are proposed to initiate discussions: