
Annonce des sept projets pour les "technologies de communication 5G" retenus, à l'issue de l'appel à projets conjoint
À l'issue du processus de sélection, les sept projets retenus dans le cadre de l’appel à projets conjoint pour les «technologies de communication 5G ont été officiellement annoncés.

Joint Call Defence 2024
The Directorate of Defence of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Ministry of the Economy, the National Research Fund and Luxinnovation join forces to offer a new funding opportunity to

Launch of a joint call for "5G Communication technologies" projects
A new funding opportunity for consortia wishing to take advantage of 5G communication technologies in their field of research or business

Launch of a second joint call for "High Performance Computing" projects
Helping you to successfully respond to the 2023 joint call for High-Performance Computing (HPC) projects.

Joint Call HealthTech 2023 webinars
How to successfully respond to the Joint Call HealthTech, open until 31 March 2023.

First call for projects in the field of High-Performance Computing
A webinar series explained how to prepare applications.

Joint Defence Call 2022: information sessions
Sessions for companies and researchers interested in the call for defence R&D projects.

Results of the first joint call for projects on health technologies
Four HealthTech projects have been selected.